Saturday, May 3, 2014

Women's Conference

This year I was lucky enough to go to Women's Conference with my wonderful mom, sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law's mom. It was amazing to be gathered with so many women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I'd just like to share a few of my favorite things that happened that were Divine Signatures for me:

  • Yet another witness that my Heavenly Father knows me. Lately, as in the past 2 or so weeks, I've been really interested in learning about grace. And guess what the overarching theme of the conference was? You've got it: grace. Don't you love how when you're learning about something you're interested in, and somehow it seems to appear everywhere suddenly? Yep. That's loving Heavenly Father sending me a Diving Signature.

  • Elder and Sister Hafen: 
"The Redeeming and Strengthening Powers of the Atonement"-This talk was amazing. One point they talked about was Severe Mercy: A father held his daughters hand, making her run in the cold to the side of the wagon. He made the horses go faster, pushing his daughter to her limits. She was confused and upset at her father for pushing her so hard. Just before she hit her breaking point, he swept her up in a blanket and lied her in the wagon, now warm from working so hard. She then realized that he had saved her life by getting her blood pumping. God will push us to our limits so that we do all we can, sometimes to our breaking point. But then He will sweep us up and we will see that in reality He has saved our lives. He is there they entire time, hand extended, we just have to take it.

For the
is a
Sun and Shield:
the LORD will give 
will HE withhold
from them that
Walk Uprightly.

Psalms 84:11