Tuesday, July 28, 2015


A little over a year ago, I wrote a blog post titled "Why I'm Not Going On a Mission." Within the past week, I've been thinking a lot about what has happened the past two years, and all of the Divine Signatures I've received confirming that I made the right decision for me. It's been amazing. I got married and sealed in the temple to Tay, and only have a year left in my degree in Human Development.

At one point I wanted to go on a mission. It lasted for about a month, until I had a health incidence where the muscles in my arms "gave out" and didn't work well. Good timing, huh?! Test after test, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. This journey lasted two years, until just last week when I found out I have Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy.

This HNPP basically means that my nerves can be damaged more easily--so for a healthy person, they might type for 100 hours and end up with carpel tunnel, whereas I might get it typing for 5 hours. I can't lift heavy things, cross my legs, or participate in some sports. But I feel so blessed to know what is going on with my body after a long time of waiting, and to not have something more serious. I also feel blessed to look back and see all that I've learned throughout the process.

I've learned patience and peace. I've been reminded that life isn't perfect, and that we are here to experience hard things which we can learn and grow from. I've learned that it's OK to let others serve you and to ask for help. I've been reminded that everyone is going through something you're unaware of, so you should always be on the lookout to serve, not judge. I've learned that everyone needs a support system. Most importantly, I've been reminded of the comfort from the Atonement, which covers not only our sins, but our pains, sorrows, and afflictions. 

I know God has an plan for each of us--an individual, personalized plan that can lead us home to Him. I'm so grateful He's always there, and always knows exactly how to comfort, guide, and bless me.