I believe that Heavenly Father gives us spiritual wake up calls--good and bad, to remind or chastise, but let's focus on the good. Like when you go to church and feel a rejuvenation and a renewed desire to improve, or when you go to the temple and receive comfort and instruction to just calm down and trust in God, or when you receive a confirmation of God's love for you that you seem to have slightly strayed from.
Well today was one of those beautiful days. But I got a wake up call for my focus in life: recognizing God's hand. Isn't that ironic? My Divine Signature was about recognizing Divine Signatures.
Like a normal college student, I was eating Taco Bell in the Wilk before work. I saw an older woman walking towards my table with a bunch of bags and food, and she asked if she could share the table I was at. I said yes and kept studying for my test and eating my taco until she asked me what my major was. I replied and reciprocated, and she told me she was studying religious education and still had a while to go. Then I couldn't get her to stop talking about the gospel! (Which was great, of course, it just caught me a tad off-guard). She just kept saying how everything comes from God and that His way is the only way. She talked so fast with her Tongan accent that it was a little hard to hear everything. Then she just opened this large, spiral bound book full of quotes from prophets and apostles to show me her favorite quotes. She kept quoting them and saying, "He's right, you know..." and going off on how they have said how much we need God.
At first, I was timid and wanting to eat and study uninterrupted. But then as she kept talking, and I'm sure others were watching with curiosity, I couldn't help but smile and prompt her along-even though I could barely get a few words in while she was talking. She told me about her life as a convert and told me how lucky I was to live in the gospel, knowing the true meaning of life.
When I told her I had to go, she offered to give me her large book. What?! How was I supposed to take this stranger's prized possession? She told me she had another copy in her bag. Only that lady would. But honestly, what an example: of a member missionary, of a friend, of an example of light and truth, of living your testimony, of a witness of the Prophet's divine calling, and of Christ. So I left with her book, happy to have met this example of living what you know with gratitude for God's Divine Signatures. What a wake up call. Anyone need a book? ;)
How have you recognized God today?
"Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family." -Thomas S. Monson
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
10 Influential Talks
Thinking about General Conference this coming weekend, I've been thinking about some of the talks/speeches that have had a great impact in my life. I am so grateful for prophets, apostles, and leaders who help us along on our path. Here are a few of the ones that came to mind-read them if you haven't already!
- His Grace is Sufficient- Elder Wilcox
- What If Love Were Our Only Motive?- Elder Osguthorpe
- Of Things That Matter Most- President Eyring
- Mountains to Climb- President Eyring
- How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life- Elder Scott
- What Thinks Christ of Me?- Elder Andersen
- The Race of Life- President Monson
- Lord, I Believe- Elder Holland
- Guardians of Virtue- Sister Dalton
- Believe, Obey, and Endure- President Monson
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
To all you Pinterest haters...and lovers.
I love it when Pinterest is a Divine Signature in my day.
Yes, I do believe that it is a time-wasting site, and I admit fully to the temptation. But. As the prophets have said about technology, it can be used as a force for good!
Almost every single time I get on Pinterest, I notice a quote from a Prophet, a General Authority, one of their wives, the scriptures, C.S. Lewis, or another wise leader--something gospel related and inspiring. I pin them to my "Inspirational" board and use it as resource for bad days, troubled times, talks, sharing with friends, and to post quotes on FB. What an amazing tool to be able help it be seen by millions around the world.
Elder Bednar stated:
So. #ShareGoodness
I'ts just a small example, but all technology included: here goes to taking the challenge to more effectively testify of God and His plan for each of us! And to enabling Divine Signatures in another's day through the blessings we use daily.
Yes, I do believe that it is a time-wasting site, and I admit fully to the temptation. But. As the prophets have said about technology, it can be used as a force for good!
Almost every single time I get on Pinterest, I notice a quote from a Prophet, a General Authority, one of their wives, the scriptures, C.S. Lewis, or another wise leader--something gospel related and inspiring. I pin them to my "Inspirational" board and use it as resource for bad days, troubled times, talks, sharing with friends, and to post quotes on FB. What an amazing tool to be able help it be seen by millions around the world.
Elder Bednar stated:
"Social media channels are global tools that can personally and positively impact large numbers of individuals and families. And I believe the time has come for us as disciples of Christ to use these inspired tools appropriately and much more effectively to testify of God, the Eternal Father, and His plan of happiness for His children." - Elder David A. Bednar at today's #BYUdevo.
*Watch the devotional here: BYUtv.org: http://www.byutv.org/watch/event/852b379b-54c5-468b-97b2-ea221b4a56c1
So. #ShareGoodness
I'ts just a small example, but all technology included: here goes to taking the challenge to more effectively testify of God and His plan for each of us! And to enabling Divine Signatures in another's day through the blessings we use daily.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Recipe for Daily Happiness
Yesterday I went to Michael's to get some craft supplies- I'm learning how to crochet! I walked up to the checkout to pay for my items. A sweet old man started ringing them up and asked me how I was doing. I replied (like normal), "Good, thanks, how are you?" He smiled at me and said something similar to "You know, I'm doing fabulous going on fantabulous!" I smiled and told him I was glad he was doing so well. He proceeded to tell me he likes to show his customers that they can choose to make their day even better.
What a wise old man.
What a wise old man.
This has got me thinking about the Plan of Happiness and the gift of agency. What a daily, hourly Divine Signature we each have--and I know in my case--under appreciate.
The sweet man's recipe for daily happiness:
The sweet man's recipe for daily happiness:
- Choose to progress.
2. Prayer
3. Scripture Study
4. Service
5. Smiling
CHOOSE to have a very happy day!
*That wise man was the perfect example of how we can magnify our callings of discipleship: serving others and sharing our testimony allllll the time.
*That wise man was the perfect example of how we can magnify our callings of discipleship: serving others and sharing our testimony allllll the time.
Monday, June 16, 2014
"Why I'm Not Going On a Mission"
One of my Facebook friends recently shared this
post: Why I'm Not Going on a Mission(<this blog post is right
on). I'm sharing now because I'd like to tell you
why I chose not to go on a mission, and the Divine Signatures I received during my decision
Before the mission age change announcement in
2012, I never thought I would go on a mission. I remember hearing the
announcement, getting a text from my sister saying she was going, and wondering
if this would change my future as well. I knew I would have to pray about it
and see if this was right for me. Before, I had just started feeling like
everything was fitting in place: I had just received my confirmation that it
was right to start college summer semester and was beginning to feel at peace. Then
when they announcement came, it felt like everything shattered and I had to
figure it out all over again-and it made me a little mad, to be honest.
I moved ahead with my plans, but constantly
prayed about the decision. Meanwhile, it was hard to get on FB: every post was
a girl saying they were going, or a boy saying this would change the standard
and boys would only want to marry RMs, too. Adults only asked about future
plans: college? mission? Every time I hesitated to answer, and every time I
felt like everyone expected me to go. Even though people said it wasn't my duty
to go, it sure didn't feel like they meant it. I stuck to what the Prophet and
my parents said: they were the ones I believed when they said it wasn't my
duty. Boys at college would tell me I need to go. Sunday School and Relief
Society lessons were planned around the idea of going on a mission.
It wasn't until after conference that I could
say no confidently, without hesitation or guilt. At conference I felt the
approval of my Heavenly Father, and I finally felt at peace with deciding not
to go. My sister and a friend, both on their missions, also helped me
a lot through the process. My friend told me to study the story of the brother
of Jared, building the barges. This is what I wrote to my friend when I got my
"[In conference,] just wait for the Auzzie in the Sunday Afternoon session. Answer to my prayers. It was totally a little reminder from my Father in Heaven that He knows me personally and was trying to get my attention as I was listening so that He could comfort and guide me. That message was so personal. And to make it even better, it was given by an Australian, which is where my sister is right now. I've talked to her a little about my feelings toward a mission, and she's been so sweet about it. Just another little reminder that Heavenly Father cares and that He is there.
So my answer? :) Be patient. I honestly don't think I'm meant to go on a mission. Which stinks, because right now I really want to. But a thought came into my head, a phrase from one of your letters saying you love the struggle this decision is putting me through, because you can tell I'm growing closer to my Heavenly Father. I think that's why I'm having this ongoing struggle. I think that's why I literally just can never decide, even when I know He trusts me to choose and I really could go or stay home and everything will work out. But looking back, I've learned so much about myself and my relationship with God. And as important as actually deciding if I'm going or not, I think the struggle I've been going through was the most important part for me. I feel so much peace now, I don't feel anxious or like I have to decide. The pressure and question is still in the back of my mind, of course, but it's not tearing me up inside like it was. So now I'm going to go back and write down everything I've learned, and continue forward in patience!"
So. I am not going on a
mission, because I felt the peaceful prompting that my decision not to go was
right. I know Heavenly Father has a plan, and that nothing is coincidence—merely
Divine Signatures to help
us along our path. The only thing we actually possess and are able to give to
the Father is our will, and when we do that, all works out for the best. He has
a better plan. Through this entire decision making process, I learned about the
beauty of agency. I learned that sometimes, Heavenly Father just trusts you to
make the decision yourself. I decided not to go, and He has supported me through it all. He will always stop you if it is wrong, but there
are times we must move forward in faith, acting on our best judgment and proceeding with caution. Sometimes
He lets you struggle with decisions, but I cannot be more thankful for that
experience: the struggle brought me closer to my Savior and my Father in Heaven.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Women's Conference
This year I was lucky enough to go to Women's Conference with my wonderful mom, sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law's mom. It was amazing to be gathered with so many women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I'd just like to share a few of my favorite things that happened that were Divine Signatures for me:
- Yet another witness that my Heavenly Father knows me. Lately, as in the past 2 or so weeks, I've been really interested in learning about grace. And guess what the overarching theme of the conference was? You've got it: grace. Don't you love how when you're learning about something you're interested in, and somehow it seems to appear everywhere suddenly? Yep. That's loving Heavenly Father sending me a Diving Signature.
- Elder and Sister Hafen:
"The Redeeming and Strengthening Powers of the Atonement"-This talk was amazing. One point they talked about was Severe Mercy: A father held his daughters hand, making her run in the cold to the side of the wagon. He made the horses go faster, pushing his daughter to her limits. She was confused and upset at her father for pushing her so hard. Just before she hit her breaking point, he swept her up in a blanket and lied her in the wagon, now warm from working so hard. She then realized that he had saved her life by getting her blood pumping. God will push us to our limits so that we do all we can, sometimes to our breaking point. But then He will sweep us up and we will see that in reality He has saved our lives. He is there they entire time, hand extended, we just have to take it.
For the
is a
Sun and Shield:
Sun and Shield:
the LORD will give
will HE withhold
from them that
Walk Uprightly.
Psalms 84:11
Sunday, April 13, 2014
What happens when your phone breaks...
About a week ago, my phone decided it hated me. It turned off and wouldn't turn back on. It's funny how different life felt without my phone constantly present! Turns out that even though I only had to go about a day without a phone, I noticed so many Divine Signatures come from this "frustrating" experience. I'd love to share a few:
First off, I noticed how nice it was to be just a little less connected with the world. There is so much to distract us. I loved noticing things in my day that I normally wouldn't otherwise with a phone constantly on me. It reminded me of President Uchtdorf's advice, "...we would do well to slow down a little, proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most." (Of Things That Matter Most)

Secondly: I'm not that great at journal keeping. However, I do like to try and keep a few bullets each day of when I was able to see God's Divine Signature in my life--on my phone. HA. So I bet you've guessed by now how I felt when I couldn't get my phone to turn back on. But due to a great Dad, I was able to recover all of my little journal entries AND my pictures. This may not seem like that big of a deal, but it was a miracle to me.
I just think it's funny, and quite frankly sad, how we can't recognize and be thankful for everything we have. A lot of the time, you don't miss something until it's gone.
I don't know if we are capable as human beings to comprehend all God does for us. But even though we can't be perfect, we can become close!
Which brings me to one of my favorite talks from April's General Conference, Grateful in Any Circumstance, yet again great counsel from President Uchtdorf.
"And now, I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can ye tell?"
"Have we not great reason to rejoice?" -Alma 26: 2,13
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Voices of Courage-Elizabeth Smart
Today I had the opportunity to listen to Elizabeth Smart speak as part of BYU's Voices of Courage Campaign. As she shared her story and insights, I gained my own insight and recognized what a Divine Signature it was to hear her speak.
As Elizabeth captivated her audience by sharing her experience, she testified of her knowledge that God loves all of us--no matter what. The advice she received from her mother upon being rescued is applicable to us all in our own trials. Her captor stole 9 months of her life, but she refuses to let him steal anymore. Instead of letting her horrific experience hold her back, she chose to be happy, be thankful, and live her life to the fullest. So can we--our trials don't define us, but how we react to them does.
Throughout her story, so many little Divine Signatures popped out at me. To share a few...
- When she was taken, Elizabeth's "most important" decision was to stay alive, no matter what. During our own trials, we need to keep an eternal perspective. Remember, "Wonderful, glorious things are in store for you, if only you will believe, obey, and endure." (President Thomas S. Monson)
- What kept Elizabeth going was remembering the words of her mother, that only two opinions mattered: God's, and her mother's. God's opinion is truly over all else; He is constant and His love for you is constant. It is perfect.
- "Your Heavenly Father loves you--each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God's love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there." (Pres. Monson)
- Elizabeth shared that she was so worried about forgetting who she was. She would think about her friends and family and old life so she wouldn't forget who she was. This got me thinking: I need to be more like this. We all have a divine potential to live up to, and we can live up to it if we remember who we are and allow our Savior to help us become.
- Hearing Elizabeth talk about how much she wanted to be with her family reminded me of how much I want to return home to my Heavenly Parents. If only this was constantly on our mind, how much easier would it be to make decisions and go through our daily life?!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Stranger Danger
Strangers impress me so often.
Many times, it is through a stranger that I see a Divine Signature in my life. This almost makes them more special, because it is just a witness that my Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need, when I need it, and cares enough about me to prompt others to go out of their way in order to serve me.
Whenever a random person makes my day, I just am reminded that I want to be that way; I want to be an instrument in God's hand and be worthy to receive promptings to help His children. This reminder in itself is a Divine Signature!
Recently, I was over at my friend's apartment down the road a bit. Around midnight, she walked me halfway home and then I continued on my way by myself. If you know me, you know I usually keep a rape whistle in my purse. Very prepared, I know. Suddenly, I noticed a car slowing down next to me...I instantly clutched my whistle, kept looking strait ahead, and walked faster.
Then I heard the sweetest voice, probably a young woman somewhere in her 20's, say, "Excuse me!" I turned and looked at her. She continued, "I know this is weird, and I promise I'm not a creeper, but do you want a ride home?" I replied cautiously, "Oh no, I'm fine! I'm just up the hill, and I have my rape whistle with me just in case." (Pulling it out as evidence while I'm talking. Usually people laugh at me for this, she didn't. But hey-you never know when it might come in handy!)
She looked so concerned, and replied that she is easily paranoid, was paranoid for me, and if she was walking home alone, she would want a girl to offer her a ride. I could tell by her sweet voice and personality that she was genuinely trying to help, so I told her that would actually make me feel a lot better and thanked her for being kind and going out of her way to offer a stranger a ride.
This may seem so insignificant, but it's not to me. It got me thinking, "What can I do, as weird as it may seem, to help another?" There are so many forms of service, so many opportunities all around us. It's amazing that we can listen to the Spirit and become an instrument in God's hand to help others receive a Divine Signature they may be needing.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Something that's been on my mind a lot lately is the idea of perfection--and how discouraging this can be. But it doesn't have to be! I've had so many Divine Signatures where I've been reminded that we don't have to be perfect now, all that matters is that we are progressing. And this takes faith.
Maybe you remember in General Conference this last October, President Uchtdorf urges in his talk Come, Join With Us to "please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith."
Now- for my little theory:
Doubt your doubts about yourself.
Have more faith in yourself.
We are often so hard on ourselves. I've noticed that when I am struggling and doubting myself, this is most often when my Heavenly Father sends me a Divine Signature, even just a small instance to show of His love for me and for the faith He has in me. But guess what? He has faith in ALL of us. He believes in ALL of us. That's why we are here; He knows our potential as His children.
A little more from President Uchtdorf (Four Titles):
"We have all seen a toddler learn to walk. He takes a small step and totters. He falls. Do we scold such an attempt? Of course not. What father would punish a toddler for stumbling? We encourage, we applaud, and we praise because with every small step, the child is becoming more like his parents.
God understands that we get there not in an instant but by taking one step at a time.
I do not believe in a God who would set up rule and commandments only to wait for us to fail so He could punish us.
I believe in a Heavenly Father who is loving and caring and who rejoices in our every effort to stand tall and walk toward Him. Even when we stumble, He urges us not to be discouraged-never to give up or flee our allotted field of service-but to take courage, find our faith, and keep trying.
Our Father in Heaven mentors His children and often sends unseen heavenly help to those who desire to follow the Savior."
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