Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Don't Worry, Be Happy (*Insert whistling here*)

Recently I saw a blog post trending on Facebook. The girl who wrote it went to see Al Fox Carraway speak. During the meeting, the author received a personal prompting: "You're living the Gospel wrong." She noticed she wasn't as happy as Al seemed and knew she needed to change. I also recently had the opportunity of listening to Al, and I realized I need to be more joyful as well.

That's what the gospel is about--the Plan of Happiness. President Uchtdorf recently said that we should be "living the gospel joyfully, with all our heart, might, mind, and soul." He also taught that we should be able to say that the gospel "works wonderfully" in our lives!

The blog post about Al Fox Carraway made me take a personal inventory: Am I living the gospel right? Is it working as well as it should in my life? Am I letting it buoy me up and make me joyful?

So. I'm challenging myself to be more happy--everyday! Maybe I'll copy this little hero of mine... ;)


  1. I love that video! Thanks for posting it, I haven't seen it in a while. Always a helpful reminder that our attitudes about life are personal choices, they don't have to be colored by the world around us if we choose to stay positive and have faith!

  2. I really needed this! And that video is the best, I haven't seen it since I was in high school so I completely forgot about it. It is a really good reminder to just be happy and to love yourself and the things around you. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Again... I'm obsessed. Haha. I love you, Becca! Thank you for sharing. I'm going to go look that up. I LOVE seeing positive media! I think there needs to be much more of it. Or at least more attention paid to the good stuff. :)
