Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Was that all that was required?

I often listen to the talk "Worthy of Our Promised Blessings" by Sister Linda S. Reeves. It was one of my favorites from the most recent sessions of General Conference.

My favorite quote:
"I do not know why we have the many trials that we have, but it is my personal feeling that the reward is so great, so eternal and everlasting, so joyful and beyond our understanding that in that day of reward, we may feel to say to our merciful, loving Father, "Was that all that was required?" I believe that if we could daily remember and recognize the depth of that love our Heavenly Father and our Savior have for us, we would be willing to do anything to be back in Their presence again, surrounded by Their love eternally. What will it matter, dear sisters [and brothren], what we suffered here if, in the end, those trials are the very things which qualify us for eternal life and exaltation in the kingdom of God with our Father and Savior?"
At first when I heard this, I was touched deeply. Then it soon started to make me feel inadequate that I still struggle with my trials and have not yet reached this perspective. But as I've thought, listened, and pondered this beautiful truth, I have gained a greater testimony of the Plan of Salvation. I know God has a plan for me, and I know that I can count on my Savior to help me through every single trial that comes my way. This makes me want so badly to keep an eternal perspective and realize how great the reward will be.


  1. Becca, thank you for your beautiful testimony and how you share it through your actions and words. You are my hero :) I always seem to need to hear exactly what you have to say. :) Love you.

  2. I love this! It reminds me of the Relief Society lesson I heard today. I think it takes a lot of maturity to be able to reach that point and to see the goodness and benefits in our trials. One day we will understand and appreciate them, even if it might be hard to right now!
